
{loadposition share}This Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Pie recipe combines probably the three best flavor combinations in the entire dessert world. These three prominent flavors are then brought together in this vegan pie with brown rice syrup, non-dairy milk and a touch of salt. Use Flaky Pie Crust for best results.

{loadposition share}This Celebration Vegan Pumpkin Pie recipe features barley malt syrup to considerably push pumpkin flavors forward. Cinnamon, ginger, cloves and a touch of lemon juice are also effective flavor enhancers in this easy to make vegan pie. Flaky Pie Crust is recommended.
{loadposition share}This Vegan Pumpkin Pie recipe features the pumpkin boosting flavors of cashew butter and barley malt syrup. Cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cloves further enhance flavors better than eggs ever could in this vegan pie. Flaky Pie Crust is recommended.

In a pie crust the goal is tenderness and flakiness. This is achieved by a high level of fat and a low level of water. The fats serve two purposes: The Vegan Butter in this recipe breaks into small pieces, coating the flour and inhibiting gluten from forming. The shortening is cut into larger pieces so it doesn't break down as much when it's cut into the flour. This is so the shortening forms thin layers as the dough is rolled. These thin layers catch evaporating water as the crust bakes which causes the crust to form thin, flaky layers similar to what's found in puff pastry.