
A bonbon is a spherical chocolate confection usually consisting of a sweet semisolid filling coated in chocolate. The filling can be made from a variety of ingredients and can incorporate flavorings that are fruit, liqueur and caramel-based. Bonbons vary from truffles in that truffles are always mostly spherical and chocolate-based. Bonbons can consist of non-chocolate ingredients and take on other other form factors. Vegan bonbon recipes utilize nut, soy or coconut creams, vegan butters or vegetable oils.
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Ever since the eighties when two people were walking down the street in opposite directions, one eating a chocolate bar, the other eating peanut butter out of a jar, we've known that the two go together really well. We know this because the two people allegedly collided exclaiming, “hey you're chocolate's in my peanut butter!” “My peanut butter's in your chocolate!” This has been documented as a true occurrence because I saw it in a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup commercial. I'm so thankful they just happened to have TV cameras rolling to get that on film. But what is up with the peanut butter in those things? It always tastes like it's deemed at the factory to be too low quality to actually make it into the panut butter jars. And the chocolate seemed like typical mass produced American chocolate fare, over-sweetened and chalky which barely qualifies as chocolate to this chocaholic.

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