Introducing Vegan Baking Day!
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What if there was a special day where people around the world shared their favorite vegan eats with everyone no matter where they happened to be? I pondered this question and quickly found that there was no such thing. So after much planning, I'm proud to introduce our day, Vegan Baking Day!
What is Vegan Baking Day?
October 1st is a day to celebrate the goodness of vegan baked goods. A day to share them with your friends, neighbors and co-workers. A day to revel in the fact that you can have your cake and eat it too. Vegan Baking Day is all about promoting vegan baking and having fun doing it!How Does it Work?
It's simple: Bake up your favorite vegan eats and share them at work, band practice, school, drama rehearsal, jury duty, the car wash; wherever you find yourself going on the 1st of October. I guarantee whoever you're around will go nuts because who doesn't love baked delicious goodness? You'll also be promoting vegan baking because once people get wind of the fact that these eats are vegan, there's a good chance they'll be impressed, inspired, or at least happy that they happened to be around to get a free snack.So what do you think? What would be the ideal thing to make for Vegan Baking Day?