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Good morning! I'm looking for something to replace 1 C. of corn syrup in a recipe for toffee. My husband is allergic to corn so your remedy is something I can use for all sorts of recipes.
Thanks so much for your help!
Thanks so much for your help!
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Responses (2)
Accepted Answer
TestarosaOfflineThank you so much for your suggestion! Love Amazon there are so many great values there. Of course, you still need to be careful and shop around, but I'm amazed at the extent of items they carry. It's the old something-for-everyone place!
Have you seen or heard of Ricemellow Cream? You can find it at Suzanne's Specialities online. Her products are all natural/organic and don't have corn in them either.
Thanks again,
Marcia -
Accepted Answer
laurelvbOfflineI appreciate the suggestion Marcia. Unfortunately for me soy is a big problem for me. I'm also chemically sensitive and what a manufacturer has to do to make a soy protein isolate which is probably from a genetically modified bean in the first place gives me the willies. Luckily I can make my own marshmallows which, if you never have, leave the prepared stuff in the dust.
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