Egg Replacers

Egg replacers are vegan preparations that replicate the binding, emulsifying or leavening properties of chicken eggs. Vegan egg replacer recipes utilize complex sugars, seed gels, starches, gums, sugars or other hydrocolloids to replace eggs in vegan baking applications.
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Chickpea flour is readily available in health food shops, along with Indian, Italian and French grocers. It is also known as besan, chana flour, gram flour, cici flour and garbanzo bean flour. You can even make your own out of whole, dry chickpeas if you have a grain mill or very powerful food processor.

Just be sure to use white chia seeds. The darker varieties will be visible in your finished product. White chia seeds can be found online if they're not available at your local health food store.

Non-dairy yogurt isn't actually an egg replacer that's on par with eggs. It's about as effective as traditional dairy yogurt as an egg replacer in baking applications. This isn't much but it works great in things where significant binding power isn't needed such as vegan cakes, waffles and pancakes. It won't help you get things very dense and chewy like traditional eggs can but it's great for holding in moisture and adding flavor complexity at the same time.

This binding powder consists of a blend of starch, vegetable gum and a leavener. Arrowroot is used as the starch because it performs well and is one of the most tasteless starches. Baking powder is used to mimic the slight leavening properties that an egg would contribute. Guar or Xanthan gum improves emulsification of fats and oils much like an egg would. Use Egg Replacer Powder as a more affordable direct replacement for Ener-G Egg Replacer.
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